55 research outputs found

    Detec??o Autom?tica e Din?mica de Estilos de Aprendizagem em Sistemas Adaptativos e Inteligentes utilizando Dynamic Scripting

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Educa??o e Tecnologias aplicadas em Institui??es Educacionais.Uma das formas de se gerar conte?do adaptado ao estudante passa, primeiro, pela detec??o dos Estilos de Aprendizagem (EA). A teoria dos EA presume que cada aluno tem caracter?sticas pr?prias que o distingue dos demais. A partir dos EA, o Sistema Adaptativo e Inteligente para Educa??o (SAIE) de Dor?a foi idealizado. Seu trabalho objetiva apresentar uma solu??o estoc?stica para provimento de adaptatividade e customiza??o de Sistemas Educacionais por meio da modelagem probabil?stica dos EA. Em s?ntese, seu SAIE visa modelar o estudante, coletando e atualizando seus dados, de forma a descobrir seu EA. Com este fim, o sistema, durante suas itera??es, submete o aluno a avalia??es e, caso as notas sejam insatisfat?rias, o sistema realiza a atualiza??o do modelo do estudante (ME) por meio do Aprendizado por Refor?o (AR). Contudo, AR ? considerada uma t?cnica lenta de aprendizado que demanda muito tempo para ajustar o elemento a ser otimizado. Por sua vez, a t?cnica Dynamic Scripting (DS), uma varia??o da t?cnica de AR, apresenta alta velocidade de converg?ncia, mesmo em ambientes din?micos. DS ? popularmente utilizada na IA de Jogos e consiste em um conjunto de Regras sobre um dom?nio, estruturadas por uma condi??o e uma a??o. Sua forma de aprendizagem atrela um peso a cada regra, o qual determina a qualidade da regra, frente ? sua condi??o, e uma probabilidade da mesma ser aplicada. A condi??o de uma regra ? a representa??o de uma situa??o poss?vel no sistema, e sua a??o ? a interven??o gerada no sistema durante a sua aplica??o. Este trabalho prop?e o aperfei?oamento do SAIE citado, utilizando uma adapta??o do DS, com os objetivos de acelerar a converg?ncia do sistema, reduzir os Problemas de Aprendizagem (PA) e aumentar a nota do estudante. Adicionalmente, devido a caracter?stica din?mica do DS, este trabalho realiza experimentos em situa??es em que o EA Real (EAr) dos alunos variam ao longo do processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A pesquisa parte da elabora??o das regras e implementa??o da estrutura do DS, avan?ando para a substitui??o do m?dulo de AR pelo DS no SAIE de Dor?a. Realizaram-se 30 testes para cada uma das 16 Combina??es de EA (CEA), 16*30 testes para cada uma das 4 abordagens: Dor?a-Est?tico, Dor?a-Din?mico, DS-Est?tico e DS-Din?mico. Nos testes din?micos, modificou-se o EAr a cada 150 intera??es, de forma que ap?s 300 intera??es, o sistema deve convergir para uma CEA oposta ? inicial. Resultados preliminares, em compara??o ? abordagem da literatura, apresentaram uma redu??o m?dia nos PA de 35.8% para os testes din?micos e de 54.1% para os testes est?ticos. Quando o EA Probabil?stico (EAp) inicial ? exatamente igual ao EAr, verificou-se que a abordagem proposta apresentou em m?dia 6 erros na atualiza??o do ME, enquanto a abordagem da literatura apresentou, em m?dia, 23 erros. Verificou-se, portanto, que, preliminarmente, a proposta obteve resultados promissores.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.One of the ways to generate the content adapted to the student passes, first, by the detection of Learning Styles (LS). The LS theory assumes that every time you have distances. From the LS, the Adaptive and Intelligent System for Education (AISE) of Dor?a was idealized. His work aims to present a stochastic solution for the provision of adaptability and customization of Educational Systems through the probabilistic modeling of LS. In summary, your AISE visa model, offering and updating your data, in order to discover your LS. To this end, the system, during its iterations, submits the student to the evaluation and, in case of notes and dissatisfactions, the system performs an updating of the student model (ME) through Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, RL is a slow learning technique that requires a lot of time to adjust the element to be optimized. In turn, a Dynamic Scripting (DS) technique, a variation of the RL technique, presents a high speed of convergence, even in dynamic environments. DS is popularly used in Artificial Intelligence of Games and consists of a set of Rules on a domain, structured by a condition and an action. Its form of learning brings a weight to each rule, which determines a quality of the rule, in front of its condition, and a probability of the same company. The condition of a rule is a representation of a good situation, and its action is an intervention generated without system during its application. This work proposes the improvement of the SAIE mentioned, the use of an adaptation of the DS, with the objectives of accelerating the convergence of the system, reduce the Learning Problems (PA) and increase student grade. In addition, due to the dynamic nature of the DS, this work performs tasks in situations in which students? real LS (LSr) vary throughout the teaching / learning process. A research of elaboration of the rules and implementation of the structure of the DS, advancing to the substitution of the RL module by the DS without AISE of Dor?a. A total of 30 tests were performed for each of the 16 AE combinations (CEA), 16 * 30 testicles for each of the 4 approaches: Dorca-Static, Dynamic Doric, DS-Static and DS-Dynamic. In the dynamic tests, the LSr was modified every 150 interactions, so that after 300 interactions, the system must converge to a CEA opposite to the initial one. Preliminary results, in literature comparison, presented a mean reduction in BP of 35.8 % for dynamic tests and 54.1 % for static tests. When the initial Probabilistic LS (LSp) is exactly the same as the LSr, it was verified that the proposed approach presented on average 6 errors in the updating of the ME, while a literature approach presented, on average, 23 errors. It was therefore found that a proposal had obtained promising results in the first place

    A mobile application to enhance mobility of people with permanent or temporary mobility disability : a case study in Portugal

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    This paper presents a mobile application developed in conjunction with the City Hall from Viana do Castelo, a city in the north of Portugal. This application targets people with permanent or temporary reduced mobility and intends to show them information about taxi points, parking spaces and reference points in the city with the possibility to navigate to them using an optimized algorithm, based on routes defined for each segment (deaf people, visually impaired people, etc.). The Dijkstra?s algorithm was used to implement the shortestPath given an origin, destination and segment. In this paper we present implementation details as well as final layouts of the prototype. At the current moment, the application is ended and will soon enter in usability tests with the users.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Construction of an instrument for the evaluation of critical thinking: previous considerations

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    Existem diversos instrumentos validados para a avalia??o do pensamento cr?tico, contudo os instrumentos s?o amplos, longos e indispon?veis para aplica??o em larga escala, pelo menos em l?ngua portuguesa. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar o primeiro momento de elabora??o de um instrumento de avalia??o do pensamento cr?tico, com alguma facilidade de aplica??o e que abarque as habilidades essenciais, para estudantes do ensino superior. A principal conclus?o ? que este processo ? moroso e dif?cil, sendo certo que a relev?ncia da avalia??o do pensamento cr?tico na popula??o universit?ria justifica a prossecu??o do projeto.AF10-A514-BE72 | Luciana Pereira de BritoN/

    Analysis of the collection of public revenue municipalities of the state of Santa Catarina.

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    A an?lise da arrecada??o da receita municipal em per?odos de crise econ?mica que perpassa no momento atual exp?e a necessidade de pesquisas que investiguem os principais determinantes da arrecada??o e seus impactos na receita p?blica municipal. Contudo, poucos trabalhados buscam um maior entendimento do comportamento das arrecada??es de receitas no Brasil, em especial, a n?vel municipal para o estado de Santa Catarina. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o impacto dos principais determinantes da arrecada??o no intervalo de 2012 a 2015, para os munic?pios catarinenses. Os resultados apontaram uma rela??o positiva entre as receitas tribut?rias e transfer?ncias correntes e a popula??o, o n?mero de empresas e o n?mero de v?nculos empregat?cios, a depender do tipo de receita avaliado. Al?m disso, o valor adicionado na agricultura, quando significativo, se mostrou mais impactante nas receitas dos munic?pios de Santa Cataria do que o de outros setores.The analysis of the collection of the municipal revenue in periods of economic crisis that pervades at the present moment exposes the need for research that investigates the main determinants of the collection and its impacts on the municipal public revenue. However, few workers seek a better understanding of the behavior of revenue collections in Brazil, especially at the municipal level for the state of Santa Catarina. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the main determinants of collection in the interval between 2012 and 2015 for the municipalities of Santa Catarina. The results showed a positive relation between tax revenues and current transfers and the population, the number of companies and the number of employment bonds, depending on the type of income evaluated. In addition, value added in agriculture, when significant, was more impacting in the revenues of the municipalities of Santa Cataria than in other sectors

    Post-occupancy evaluation in a medium city of Santa Catarina : perceptions about the users? satisfaction and needs.

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    Este artigo ? o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada em um conjunto habitacional de baixa renda, na cidade de Chapec?/SC, que visou avaliar o desempenho funcional das edifica??es e investigar o comportamento e o n?vel de satisfa??o das fam?lias. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma abordagem com m?ltiplos m?todos de avalia??o p?s-ocupa??o (APO), quantitativos e qualitativos, como an?lise walkthrough, question?rio e grupo focal. Observou-se que o PMCMV demonstra pouca preocupa??o com a diversidade socioecon?mica e cultural, bem como em atender a perfis fora do padr?o m?dio existente. Sobre a unidade habitacional, percebeu-se pouca funcionalidade, al?m de um n?mero de ambientes e ?rea ?til inferior ? necessidade de boa parte das fam?lias. Todos esses fatores colaboram para um baixo n?vel de satisfa??o dos moradores e uma r?pida obsolesc?ncia da edifica??o. Al?m disso, a compara??o com estudos similares realizados em outras localidades evidenciou a import?ncia da realiza??o de APOs em diversas regi?es do pa?s, gerando um panorama global do tema e divulgando diferen?as referentes ? diversidade cultural e ambiental.This paper is the result of a research carried out in a low income housing complex in the city of Chapec?/SC, which aims to evaluate the functional performance of the buildings and investigate the behavior and level of family satisfaction. For that, an approach was used with multiple methods of post-occupancy evaluation (POE), quantitative and qualitative, such as walkthrough analysis, questionnaire and focus group. The PMCMV shows little concern with socioeconomic and cultural diversity, as well as attending profiles outside the existing average standard. About the housing unit, low levels of functionality was detected, as well as a number of rooms and a living area that was less than the need of most families. All these factors contribute to a low level of satisfaction of the residents and a rapid obsolescence of the building. In addition, the comparison with similar studies carried out in other locations showed the importance of POEs in several regions of the country, generating a global panorama of the theme and disseminating differences regarding cultural and environmental diversity

    Comunidades de besouros de serapilheira e a sucess?o natural em uma floresta estacional semidec?dua. MG.

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    Nosso estudo investigou as respostas das comunidades de besouros de serapilheira ao processo de sucess?o florestal e varia??o temporal. O estudo foi conduzido na Esta??o Ecol?gica Tripu?, de julho (2001) a janeiro (2002). Avaliamos riqueza, abund?ncia, composi??o de esp?cies e flutua??o populacional dos grupos mais representativos no estudo. Foram coletados 3513 indiv?duos de 176 morfoesp?cies. Houve diferen?a de riqueza, abund?ncia e composi??o em rela??o ao est?gio sucessional e ?poca da coleta: floresta avan?ada nos meses de maior precipita??o apresentou riqueza e abund?ncia maiores, al?m de composi??o diferenciada. A flutua??o populacional nos grupos representativos pode ser explicada pela precipita??o. Conclu?mos que sucess?o e precipita??o afetam a comunidade de besouros e ? necess?rio conhecimento biol?gico do grupo estudado para coleta de dados confi?veis.Our study investigated the response of litter-dwelling beetle communities to forest successional stage and to temporal variation. The study was conducted in Esta??o Ecol?gica Tripu?, from July (2001) to January (2002). Here we evaluate richness, abundance, species composition and population fluctuation. We collected 3513 individuals of 176 morphospecies. We detected differences of richness, abundance and composition. Forests in the advanced stages of succession during the months with the highest rainfall, have higher richness and abundance. These forest also have own composition. Population fluctuation can be explained by rainfall. We conclude that both forest sucession and rainfall influence the beetle community. Biological knowledge of the group under study is necessary for confidence in data collection

    Crude protein of tropical forage legumes grown in silvopastural system and full sol

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Ag?ncia financiadora para a realiza??o desse trabalho: Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar o teor de prote?na bruta (PB) de tr?s leguminosas forrageiras tropicais cultivadas em dois sistemas: no sub-bosque de sistema silvipastoril (SSP) e a pleno sol. O experimento foi conduzido em Curvelo-MG, na fazenda experimental da UFVJM. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 (SSP e pleno sol) x 3 esp?cies (estilosantes, kudzu tropical e macrotiloma) com 4 repeti??es. O teor de PB foi determinado nas por??es: planta inteira, folha e hastes das tr?s leguminosas forrageiras em fun??o dos tratamentos. Foi observado efeito de esp?cie para as por??es planta inteira e haste (P<0,05), n?o sendo verificado este efeito para a por??o folha. Os maiores teores de PB para planta inteira e haste foram encontrados nas esp?cies kudzu e estilosantes (P<0,05), os quais diferiram do teor de PB apresentado no macrotiloma. Para o teor de PB na folha observou-se efeito da intera??o esp?cie x sistema de cultivo, tendo o macrotiloma apresentado acr?scimo no valor de PB (P<0,05) quando cultivado no sub-bosque do SSP. O sombreamento no sub-bosque do sistema silvipastoril estudado n?o promoveu incremento no teor de prote?na bruta para nenhuma das esp?cies cultivadas.The aim of this study was to evaluate the crude protein (CP) of three tropical forage legumes grown in two systems: the silvopastoral system understory (SSP) and full sun. The experiment was conducted in Curvelo, Minas Gerais at the experimental farm of UFVJM. We used a randomized block design in a factorial 2 (SSP and full sun) x 3 species (estilosantes, tropical kudzu and macrotiloma) with 4 repetitions. The crude protein content was determined in portions: Whole plant, leaves and stems of three forage legumes in the treatments. Kind of effect was observed for whole plant and stem portions (P <0.05), not being checked for this purpose the sheet portion. The higher crude protein content for whole plant and stem were found on kudzu and estilosantes species (P <0.05), which differ from the CP content presented in macrotiloma. For the PB content in the leaf it was observed effect of interaction species x cropping system, with the macrotiloma presented increase in the amount of CP (P <0.05) when grown in SSP understory. The shading in the understory of the silvopastoral system studied did not promote increase in crude protein content for any of the cultivated species

    The institutional approach about of the international trade in counterpoint to theory of the comparative advantages : the japanese system of innovations.

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    O presente trabalho analisa a vis?o institucional em rela??o ? participa??o de uma na??o no com?rcio internacional ? e o impacto que as mudan?as institucionais no longo prazo acabam tendo sobre a lideran?a tecnol?gica mundial ? em contraponto ? Teoria das vantagens comparativas ao tratar desta quest?o. A argumenta??o aqui defendida, com base em uma pesquisa hist?rica/ bibliogr?fica, ? que a vis?o institucional pode dar uma resposta consistente para explicar as mudan?as ocorridas nas ?ltimas d?cadas na posi??o de pa?ses como o Jap?o, por exemplo, enquanto players na arena do com?rcio internacional em produtos de alto valor agregado. Isto ocorre devido ao fato de a Economia Institucional levar em conta a diversidade de fatores que afetam o desempenho de uma na??o, como por exemplo, o investimento em educa??oThe present work analyzes the institutional vision regarding the participation of a nation in international trade - and the impact that changes in long-term institutional end up taking on the global technology leadership in counterpoint the Theory of comparative advantage - when dealing this issue. The argumentation advocated here, based on a history / bibliographical research, it is that the institutional view can give a consistent answer to explain the changes in recent decades in the position of countries like Japan, for example, while players in the arena of international trade in high value-added products. This occurs due to the fact of the Institutional Economics take account the diversity of factors that affect the performance of a nation, like for example, the investment in educatio

    Selective oxidation of lupeol by iodosylbenzene catalyzed by manganese porphyrins.

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    Manganese porphyrin-catalyzed oxidation of lupeol by iodosylbenzenewas achieved undermild conditionswith low isolated yields but with remarkable selectivity, depending on the catalyst of choice. Mn(III) mesotetraphenylporphyrin and Mn(III) meso-tetrakis(4-carbomethoxyphenyl)porphyrin provided an entry for the preparation of 3?,30-dihydroxylup-20(29)-ene (6?14% yields), whereas Mn(III) ?-octabromo-meso-tetrakis(4- carbomethoxyphenyl)porphyrin led to 20-oxo-3?-hydroxy-29-norlupeol (6% yield), as single products. Unreacted lupeol was recovered in quantitative yield. The oxidative transformations at lupeol C20 or C30 take place with no need for protection of C3 hydroxyl moiety

    Epithelial and dendritic cells in the thymic medulla promote CD4(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell development via the CD27-CD70 pathway

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    This work was supported by grants NKI 2004-3087 and NKI 2008-2023 from the Dutch Cancer Society to J. Borst, European Molecular Biology Organization long-term fellowships to J.M. Coquet and J.C. Ribot, a Rubicon (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research [NWO]) fellowship to J.M. Coquet, and a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia project grant (PTDC/SAU-MII/104158/2008) and a European Research Council starting grant (StG260352) to B. Silva-Santos. J.F. Neves is funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia of Portugal; D.J. Pennington is funded by the Wellcome Trust
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